SSH Keys

On the SSH Keys page, there is a list of the keys for the selected project and the shared keys in the organization, along with the ability to add new keys and delete current keys. SSH: ssh keys list

Add SSH Key

To add a new key, click on the Add New SSH Key button: SSH: add ssh key

Then enter your key in the SSH Public Key section along with a name, and click on Add Key:

SSH: add ssh key form Finally, the new key will be added, and you will be redirected to the SSH keys list.

Copy Key

To copy the SSH key value, simply click on the Public Key value of your desired key: SSH: copy ssh key

Delete Key

  • To delete a key, click on the three-dot button in the Actions column and select the Delete option.
  • Then, if you are sure about the deletion, click on the Delete button in the dialog that appears. SSH: ssh key options SSH: remove ssh key SSH: confirm remove ssh key